Men's Ministry

Dear Men of Valor,
Not finishing our Bible study is becoming a habit, but that just goes to show how good the discussions have been. We'll finish off II Samuel 15 this Saturday. We meet at the church each Saturday from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM.

Please read II Samuel 15:13-23
7.  David reacted to Absalom’s treachery quickly and ordered everyone to evacuate the palace except for 10 concubines.  (More evidence of David’s surrender to lustful desires.) Why did they flee instead of standing and fighting (see verse 14)?
8.  The Cherethites and Pelethites (David’s personal bodyguard) accompanied him, as did the Gittites, who were from Gath (and may have been Philistines). They followed David since before he was king. They stuck with David even when his success was fading. How faithful are you to Jesus? Your church? Your church leaders? Your fellow Christians?
9.  Ittai the Hittite, who had only recently joined David’s closest circle, was told to return to the city.  Reread his response to David in verse 21. Is there another Biblical character that he reminds you of?  There is a parallel between us, David, Absalom, and Ittai. Can you tease it out?
Read II Samuel 15:24-17
10.  David told the priests to take the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem and then placed himself in God’s hands. What does this tell you about David’s view of God?
Please read II Samuel 15:30-37
11.  Why was David weeping? Was it because of what was happening to him? Was it because he was sorrowful for his sins? Was it because the threat came from Absalom, his own son? How is this a picture of us when we betray the One who loves us?
12.  Everyone traveling with David wept when David wept. How is this a picture of the Christian life - or at least what it should be? See Romans 12:15.
13.  When David heard that Ahithophel had joined the rebellion, what did he do? What's the first thing we should we do in times of suffering or trial?
14.  David’s prayer was answered almost immediately with the arrival of Hushai. He was apparently not a warrior but a wise and prudent man. Do you have wise and prudent men around you? How do you go about finding them?